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Garth Partnership & Scotlean Pigs Meeting

"Are you achieving two tonnes/sow/year?"

Garth Partership and Scotlean Pigs invite you to a meeting on either the 2nd November or the 1st December, and will address the key points that enable you to answer the above question with a definite YES!

What are we talking about?

Quite simply the amount of pig carcass produced/sow/year.  2000kg is achievable and should be the target output we work towards for  most herds.

With PCV2 associated disease now mostly well controlled there is scope to improve other factors that influence performance and enable herds to more fully express their potential.  This goes from direct interventions with medicine, to management techniques, to knowing and recognising the effects of poor performance and health on your business.

Garth and Scotlean work in different parts of the pork chain but are linked by type, number (%) and condition of pig being presented for sale, as well as the efficiency of production and hence the producer's financial viablity.  It is in all our interests for herds to improve efficiency and now is the time to invest in knowledge, time and where appropriate equipment or housing.  Becoming efficient will be ever more important when the next period of lower prices occurs. 

The meetings will start at 10am (for 10.30am start) and will consist of two sessions:

In the morning we will look at maximising the number, weight, quality and health of the weaner produced from the breeding herd.  These have proven benefits for that pig's lifetime.

There will be a break for lunch when a more informal level of debate can take place.

In the afternoon we will look at the growing/finishing pig including monitoring growth and maximising feeding herd performance and minimising cost of gain through this crucial and high cost period of production. 

The presentations will be relatively short and cover the key areas of production in the time allowable.  There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion with a panel of speakers.  The afternoon should conclude by approximately 3pm.

The venues will be:

2nd November: Askham Bryan College, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3FR

1st December: Windlestrae Hotel and Leisure Club, The Muirs, Kinros, KY13 8AS

If you are interested in attending either of these meetings please contact the practice on 01262 488323 or fax 01262 488770 or email


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